

VIBE Koli is the knowledge forum of Transylvania's largest Hungarian festival, where charismatic speakers, special topics and good company have been attracting people for years. It's a place where anyone can find a topic on their interests. Koli inspires, opens up new horizons and lights up everyone. High school students, young families, conscious life planners and young people looking for a new path are always eager to attend, because there is always a speaker with whom they can have a great conversation, learn something new or help careers. Topics, debates, questions and people with good vibes appear, full of ideas, opinions and advice. Koli is not just about knowledge, it is also about building community, bringing new people together and encouraging anybody to dare to dream. For a taste of previous years' Koli presentations: check it out!


The aim of Koli is to present speakers who motivate the audience, give something new and provide useful knowledge. So, as well as having fun, people can gain insight into inspiring presentations and learn from those who can lead by example. The line-up of speakers is extremely colourful, starting from artists, through comedians and politicians, you can meet anybody all over the Mures coast. Koli will ensure that any individual can find a topic that excites and engages them.


KOLI TV | 2023